Connect & Serve is the serving arm of the Norman Lutheran Church. It's designed for families to grow and serve together on Sunday mornings through the worship service or other special events such as funerals, church dinners, coffee hour and sleigh rides.
Click below to view the annual handbook outlining information about church, our serving group and how you can get involved! Or scroll down for all the signups available at this time to lend a hand where you can!

Worship Service & Coffee Hour signup
Use this signup to help during the worship service: usher, acolyte, readings, bell ringing, communion. You can also sign up to bring treats and serve coffee hour on 9 am worship Sundays.
Kitchen Potluck signup
Use this signup for helping in the kitchen or bringing food for a brunch, potluck or funeral

AA Treat Signup
Use this signup for donating treats for the AA Monday group
Sunday School Teacher Signup
Use this signup if you'd like to teach Sunday school this year

Fall Festival Donations
Use this signup to signup to donate books, bottles or cupcakes to help with the Parish Fall Festival at Norman Church in October
Confirmation Signup
Use this signup if you'd like to volunteer to help with help with Confirmation class

KAMA Donations
Use this signup to donate items or money for the KAMA community food baskets during the holidays
Walk in Faith
Use this signup for donating used or new items to the Walk in Faith ministry (formerly Shoe and Boot Run) to benefit local families in need.

Use this signup for the upcoming Parish Family Ice Skating activity with pizza!