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8.4.24 Bulletin & Announcements


SUMMER WORSHIP Davenport Worship Wednesday at 7pm -- Norman Worship Sunday at 9:00am             

**Wednesday Worship in Davenport this week August 7 at 7pm.  


*Parish Council Meeting this Tuesday, August 6th 7:00pm at Norman Parish


*Kindred Community Days is approaching! August 9-10. Looking for members that would like to drive their “Oldie” in the parade. Please contact Pastor Katie (701- 429-3374) so that we can have a sign for your “Oldie” and candy for you for the parade. If your kids would like to ride on a float and toss candy, please contact Stevie Ostenson.


*Bible Study Recap with Erin Wednesday, August 14th 12-1 at Norman Fellowship Hall and August 28th 12-1pm.

*Day #3 of Parish VBS will be Wednesday, August 14th at 7pm during Davenport Lutheran Wednesday Worship. All kids are welcome!! Kids will start in Worship and be dismissed following children’s moment.


*Blessing of the Backpacks! Kids bring your backpacks to worship for a Blessing as we prepare for a new school year! Come to Davenport Wed Worship on August 14 or Normans Worship on Sunday August 25


*Are you able to help provide treats for the AA Meeting group? Please consider, sign up at


*KLC Senior Community Fellowship Meal on Monday, August 19 at 11:45am at Kindred Lutheran. All local seniors are invited. Please contact Leah at KLC office 428-3630 to register for the meal by Thursday, August 15th  (so they know how much food to prepare).  Free will offering. Meal served by Uptown Eatery.


*Bone Builders Class at Davenport School. Monday and Thursday 9:30-10:30am. Kindred Class at City Hall Monday and Friday at 10:30am.


* The Kindred Area Food Pantry update- All food pantry donations can be dropped off at Kindred Lutheran Church Monday - Thursday 9am-4pm. Any questions please call Leah at 428-3630 or 701-388-2124.


Castaway Camp 7-9 grade August 9-13  High School 10-12 grade camp in Missouri August 1-8


Outreach opportunities for our members and community…

*There is a link for a Meal Train for the Simley family. Nate, Sam and Wyatt are home! They are practicing social distancing to prepare for Wyatt’s next surgery in the coming weeks. If you would like to provide a meal, please sign up on the link and then contact Nate or Sam before you drop off the meal on your chosen date.


LEND A HAND UP* There is a Lend a Hand Up account fundraiser for Wesley Laframboise family, Anderson Family, Polly Roe Family and the Simley Family. If you would like to support the family during their health journey. Please continue to lift these families up in prayer! *There are opportunities to purchase tshirts to support Wyatt & Camden with portion of sales going to their Lend a Hand Up Fundraiser account.


*There is a meal train link for Norman members, the Jorgene Alsager family. Jorgene has been diagnosed with liver, lung & colon cancer. Please lift her and the family in your prayers.   


*VIKING VILLAGE- a non-profit organization with a goal to serve students by working with Kindred Public Schools preK-grade 12 to make hygiene items, food, athletic gear, shoes, and clothing available. Student needs will be confidential. Items will be available in each school building with a launch date of August 2024. Donate items during Kindred Days, August 10 in the collection bin at the Kindred Public Library. Full list on FB and website. Monetary Donations are appreciated.  More info email- or see website.




September 11- Confirmation Parents Meeting                                            

September 12- BINGO begins at Davenport Supper Club 7pm                        

September 15- Rally Sunday                                                                  

September 18- Confirmation Class begins                                                 

September 22- Sunday School begins                                                            

October 19- Table Fest





Come. Wrestle with God, who receives us and welcomes us just as we are. 

Come, let us worship! 

Come. Look around with questions, look around with wonder, turning your head in every direction you can find. 

Come, let us worship! 

Come. God calls us into renewed relationships with one another. 

Come, let us worship! 

Come. God invites us into new beginnings. 

Come, let us worship! 

GATHERING SONG:  Will You Let Me Be Your Servant (#659) vs 1-3 


Let us pray. A brief silence is kept before the prayer. 

O God, you invite us to be part of your new creation, over and over again. And yet, we doubt our own faith, our own abilities, our own witness. Give us clear minds, steady hands, strong stomachs, that we might stand tall in the face of fear, that we might recognize your call to disobedience in the face of evil. Amen 



Gathered into one by God’s Spirit, we are bold to confess our sins, our shortcomings, our failures, right here in the open, in the presence of God and of one another.  

(silence for reflection)  

God of grace,  

We confess that we have failed you, failed ourselves, failed one another. We assume the worst about those around us, rather than giving anyone the benefit of the doubt. We do the same to ourselves, and sometimes, even, we do the same to you. We are stubborn and determined to hold a grudge. We fail to exercise our imaginations, fail to recognize your works waiting to be born, if only we would step up to help, or sometimes, if only we would move out of the way. 

Forgive us, O God, and show us another way forward. Amen. 

Hear the good news of the risen Christ: 

God is making all things new! 

Your sins are forgiven. 

God’s invitation is to another way of living. 

Thanks be to God! 



HYMN OF THE DAY: God of Mercy, God of Light #714 vs 1-4 

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 1:15-22 

SERMON: Pastor Katie 

OFFERING SONG: For the Fruit of All Creation (#679) 


God of abundance beyond measure, It feels like privilege to offer back to you even a portion of the blessings you have poured out upon us. Keep us ever-mindful of what we call our own, ever-seeking new ways to come alongside you in the creation of abundance for the world. Amen. 



May you rest in the knowledge that God has got you in His strong and steady hands.  May you delight in the grace and forgiveness of Jesus, inviting us again and again to repentance and repair. May you recognize new birth all around, the spirit of God made manifest in abundant 

imagination. Amen. 

SENDING HYMN: Will You Let Me Be Your Servant (#659) vs 4-5 


Go now in peace, Love your God, Serve your neighbor. Thanks be to God! 



PRAYER REQUESTS-   family & friends of Melvin Anderson, Arlene Haux, Rick & Traci Anderson and family, family & friends of Marie Moe, family & friends of Wesley Laframboise, Anderson family & baby Camden, Polly Roe, Carol Malone, Nate and Sam Simley and baby Wyatt, Garret Fenner & family, Shirley Berg, Harold Ebens, Pastor Phil Larsen and family, Trudy Torgerson, Bonnie Plath, Tanya Ausk, and Erickson family. Please pray for our elders. 




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