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6.19.22 Bulletin & Announcements

Happy Father’s Day!


Please lift up in prayer- Carol Malone, family & friends of Dean Merhiy, Carolyn Thoen, family & friends of Marlys Grindberg, family & friends of Shirley Jermstad, Aleta Johnson, Bonnie Plath, Arlene Haux, Garret Fenner & family, Tanya Ausk, Judy Ausk, Shirley Berg.


Summer Worship

Davenport 7:00pm Wednesday Worship-

Norman 9:00am Summer Worship (150th Anniversary Sunday 10:00am)

Please feel free to attend the service that best fits your family. If you use your offering envelope or make checks payable to your home church, our treasurers work together to get your offering to its place. All are welcome!!

*THIS WEEK_- PARISH COMMUNITY VBS @ DAVENPORT LUTHERAN WEDNESDAY JUNE 22ND 1:30pm-7:30pm. If you are able to help with VBS contact Pastor Katie. Family meal at 6:00pm and Worship at 7:00pm. All Welcome!

*THIS WEEK- 150th Anniversary Celebration at Norman Lutheran Saturday and Sunday! Worship time next Sunday is 10:00am. Please go to for opportunities to help with set up, preparing food, serving, clean up etc… Check out the website and see all the activities coming for the 150th celebration! Sign up for 5K, BBQ Bootcamp, cookbooks, tshirts, and answers to any questions you might have.

*GREAT NEWS!! The campers and Pastor Katie are back from Red Willow! Great time was had by all!!

We have placed a bag/basket in the entry way of each church if you would like to help with a monetary donation to sponsor a youth with a scholarship to attend camp. Thank you!!

*Norman members there are many opportunities for you to volunteer for ushering. please sign up at for ushering, reading and acolyting for June!


Norman Davenport Lutheran Worship

Second Sunday after Pentecost June 19th, 2022

Pastor Katie Kringstad



P: “The Lord be with you! R: and also, with you

GATHERING This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. The Holy Spirit calls us together as the people of God.

GATHERING SONG: Jesus Loves Me #595


Let us pray. A brief silence is kept before the prayer.

O Lord God, we bring before you the cries of a sorrowing world. In your mercy set us free from the chains that bind us, and defend us from everything that is evil, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.


OFFERING SONG: Holy, Holy, Holy, #473

READING: Psalm 22:19-28

SERMON: Rob Bell Video - Lump


One: For fathers everywhere, who have given us life and love, that we may show them respect and love.

All: Holy God, hear this prayer for our fathers.

One: For fathers who have lost a child through death, that their faith may give them hope, and their family and friends support and console them

All: Holy God, hear this prayer for our fathers that mourn.

One: For men who may or may not have children of their own, but act like a father to someone in need of advice, support, nurturing, and love.

All: Holy God, hear this prayer for our father figures.

One: For step-fathers who have assumed that role with love and joy, who have loved the children of another as their own, and created a new family.

All: Holy God, hear this prayer for step-fathers.

One: For adoptive fathers, who have heard the call of God to lovingly step forward for those that need their care.

All: Holy God, hear this prayer for adoptive fathers.

One: For new fathers, full of hope. For long-time fathers, full of wisdom. For the fathers yet to be, and fathers soon to be.

All: Holy God, hear our prayer for the fathers of your Church.

One: For those that have shaped our lives without claim of family or kinship. For those who have taught us, guided us, shaped us, and molded us into servants of Christ our Lord. All: Holy God, hear our prayer for the fathers of our faith.

One: God our Father, in your wisdom and love you made all things. Bless these men, that they may be strengthened as Christian fathers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. And let us praise fathers who have died, but always live on in our memory and whose love continues to nurture us.

All: Amen.

SENDING SONG: What a Friend We Have in Jesus #742


P: Go in Peace and Serve the Lord R: Thanks be to God POSTLUDE


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