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3.14.21 Announcements

Prayer Requests:

Please lift up in prayer- Garret Fenner & family, Kelly Rustad, Judy Ausk, Trudy Torgerson, Carolyn Driscoll, Tanya Ausk, Shirley Berg, Wesley Nelson, Pam Johnson, Shirley Jermstad, Carol Malone. Prayers for our elders. Please remember all those in our school, community, state and country that are affected by the Coronavirus.

Congratulations to the KHS Boys Basketball Region 1 Champions! Good Luck at the State Tournament this week!

A special Thank you to Madi Miller for her message at Wednesday Lenten Service of how God has worked and continues to work in her life. God Bless you Madi!


*Newsletter Information due to Jen by March 20th.

*TODAY WOM meeting 10am at Norman

*Lenten Schedule for our Parish This Wednesday, March 17th join us 7pm at Norman for our beautiful Holden Evening Prayer service with Lenten guest speaker is Dena Flom.

*Sunday, March 21st New Member Orientation

* Communion Classes (4th & 5th grade students. Parent(s) are also required to attend) 4th Lesson- March 28th (Palm Sunday) 10:15am at Norman

*Wednesday Lenten Offering will be given to a local family. UPDATE..Garret is getting stronger. Still doing dialysis 3 times a week. Waiting for a donor. Please continue prayers for Garret and Family.

*In lieu of sending a signup genius for Sunday School Snacks, we thought it might be easier to drop a line or 2 in the newsletter and weekly church bulletins. This allows anyone and everyone to bring PRE-PACKAGED, PEANUT FREE, TREE NUT FREE, EGG FREE snacks to the church at their convenience and just leave them downstairs for the Sunday School kids. Since they need to be pre-packaged they can sit down there until they get used.

*KAMA Community Easter Food Basket. We will be having a basket set up in the entry way for monetary donations to go towards purchasing our items for the food baskets. (milk, cool whip and 5 hams). Thank you! If you know anyone that would benefit from a basket, please let the Pastor know.

Thank you to all that are being installed today as officers of Norman Lutheran Church, Davenport Lutheran Church and our Norman Davenport Parish. We appreciate your dedication and love to our churches and our Parish. God Bless!

Fun Event!

Davenport Lutheran Church is offering free children's Easter photos with live bunnies! All are welcome! You do not need to be a member of Davenport or Norman Church. We will take the photos and then email them to you so that you can share them and make prints.

You can click the link below to sign up for a time. Each child with also get an Easter egg filled with prizes!

Date: 03/27/2021 (Sat.)

Location: Davenport Lutheran


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