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1.12.25 Bulletin & Announcements

Thank you for being with us today for our hope & healing worship service at Norman Davenport Parish. God’s Blessing to you!  


PRAYER REQUESTS- family & friends of Pastor Dana Steinwand, Wyatt Simley & Family, Joan Pratt, Arlene Haux, Camden Anderson & family, Jorgene Alsager, Polly Roe, Carol Malone, Garret Fenner & family, Pastor Phil Larsen and family, Trudy Torgerson, Bonnie Plath, Tanya Ausk, and Erickson family. Please pray for our elders. Prayers for California! 


Next Sunday, January 19th Davenport Worship at 9am and Norman 11am with Annual Meeting and fellowship to follow Worship.                                                                          

-January 26th time change Norman Worship at 9am and Davenport 11am with Annual Meeting and potluck lunch to follow 

*Annual Reports due-                                                                                                                                                                                                

Norman Lutheran Reports due TODAY January 12th to Please use Word format or contact Joan. Meeting is January 19.                                                                                                                                                           

Davenport Lutheran Reports due January 19th to Please use Word format or contact Joan. Meeting is January 26 following 11am worship and potluck lunch to follow.  

*Newsletter information, articles and photos due by Jan 20th  to  (you can always submit your info earlier) 

*Fun Parish winter events would you help sponsor? Please contact Pastor Katie.                                                                                         

Three out of the five sleighrides have been sponsored- Sleigh Rides & Cider Event- $100 per hour, Thank you!                                 

Skating & Pizza at The Lights in West Fargo- $500 

*There is still time to volunteer!! The Fargopack Event is here. Tuesday, January 7th- Wednesday, January 15 at Atonement Lutheran Church. This is the Feed my Starving Children Event that several of our members attended last year and are looking forward to having you join them this year! For more information go to Grab your neighbor, family, friends, co-workers and older kids to find a date that works to volunteer.  

*For more information on the NC hurricane fundraising efforts to help purchase equipment to clear debris from rivers and creeks before spring melt hits the flooded area again, please contact Josh Rauser and his team! 

*WALK IN FAITH- Walk in Faith allows us to walk alongside and help each other in the community.

January Collections include men’s new socks and underwear. Cash donations for gas cards to fill up their tanks. Basket in entryway at the churches. 

* The Kindred Area Food Pantry- items in need- canned chicken and canned tuna -accepting donations of food, personal hygiene products and dish or laundry soap. All donations can be dropped off at Kindred Lutheran Church Monday - Thursday 9am-4pm. Pantry hours for pick up items, is Tuesdays 12-5pm. Any questions please call Leah at 428-3630. You can also use Venmo…. @kindredfoodpantry. 

There are many Outreach opportunities for our members and community… Please visit to learn more of ways you can help our fellow members and people in our communities. There are lend a hand up accounts, Walk in Faith, Viking Village and meal trains opportunities. 

UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS AND INFORMATION-                                                                                                                                    

It is open registration for Kindred Bio Girls. Visit                                                                                                    

BETHANY HOMES Soup of the Day Event- Free will offering for a delicious warm bowl of soup.                                                                

Visit Bethany on University Wednesday January 15 from 11-1 and Bethany on 42nd Thursday January 16 from 11-1                                

Turtle Mountain Animal Rescue Fundraiser- Wednesday, January 15 from 10am to 8pm, order online with special code “GIVE20” or in-store and mention it is for Turtle Mountain Animal Rescue fundraiser and Papa Murphy’s will generously donate 20% of the sales to the rescue! to order and to locate participating locations.                                                                                                          

FMCT 5th Annual 10 Minute Play Festival- January 17 & 18 @ 7:30pm and January 19 @ 5:30pm at Hjemkomst Center. To purchase you tickets for a fun night out go to or call 701.235.6778                                                                                                                                    

Kindred Wildlife Club feed & fundraiser January 25th at Kindred Memorial Building . Contact a wildlife club member for tickets ($25 person) or Uptown Eatery. Serving 5:30-7:30pm Rib dinner, also live auction, games, and raffles.                                                                                                                          

Kindred Area Art Partnership KAAP Annual Gala Event. February 1st @ The Pines Black, Davenport. Tickets are on sale for the event ($75 a ticket) at  








The Bible Recap (TBR) follows a chronological Bible reading plan and is a short daily Recap by creator and host, Tara-Leigh Cobble. She’ll highlight and summarize that day’s Bible reading in a casual, easy to understand way.  


The Bible Recap comes in several forms—book, podcast, or video. Each day’s Bible reading is approximately 12 minutes long and each Recap is about 8 minutes long. You can READ, UNDERSTAND, and LOVE the Bible! 


Our Bible Reading Group has been a wonderful source of encouragement and fellowship for people desiring to read and understand the Bible. There is no better way to get to know God than by reading Scripture. 




If you’re interested in starting, please e-mail (, call, or text (701-730-0779) Erin Westby to find out more or to be added to the group. Currently we are not meeting in person but are utilizing email communication to keep in touch and on track. There is no better time to start than now!  




Norman Davenport Parish                                        

Worship of Hope and Healing 

Sunday, January 12, 2025  


at  Norman Lutheran Church 

Hebrews 6:19                                                                                                       

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. 



Guest Pastor-Kathy Valan 

Pianist/Organist- Nic Rohrbeck 

Children’s Message- Eric Berg 

Lead Usher- Craig Olson 

Lead Singer- Vickie Kub 

Scripture Reader- Deirdre Braaten 



Pastor Kathy Valan: It is good to come together with a common trust in our God in heaven. We are here to express our trust in God and to pray. We do not gather out of a spirit of desperation, as if to say, “Nothing has worked so far, so let’s pray to God for a miracle.” As if to say that God is a last resort.  

No. We are participating in this service of hope and healing because the journey of people that we love in our congregation and community has brought us here. God has been part of this journey all along, and it is the work of God that brings us to this point of expressing our trust in God. We are here to pray because God hears and answers prayer.  

We gather in hope, which is, as Scripture says; “an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”  

Hope is a confident expectation anchored in God. That is our testimony and trust. 

Pastoral Prayer- Pastor Kathy Valan                                                          

Gathering Song of Trust - Children of the Heavenly Father   #781 vs. 1-2 

Scripture Reading: Our Testimony and Trust Psalm 23   NRSV (responsively)  

1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.                                                                  

2He makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside still waters;  

3 he restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake.                                                              

4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff—they comfort me. 

5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.  

Sharing of God’s Peace (children come forward at this time)                                                                     

Children’s Moment -Eric Berg                                                               

Song:  Children of the Heavenly Father #781 vs. 3 - 4 

Reader- Deidre Braaten- Praise isn’t always easy, but it is important to start there. We need to know who it is that hears our prayers. We need to know who it is that answers our prayers. And so we praise this great God who is with us. Again, it isn’t always easy. Our lives include difficult times of doubt and pain and sickness. Jeremiah speaks of this troubled heart in Lamentations 

Scripture Reading: Lamentations 3:22-25 (Modern English Version)                                                                    

22 It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed;    His compassions do not fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. 24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in Him.” 25 The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. 

Song: Great is Thy Faithfulness # 733 

Scripture Reading: Psalm 91:1-4,9-12,15Assurance of God’s Protection 

1 You who live in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,  2 will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust.” 3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the hunter and from the deadly pestilence; 4 he will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge;     his faithfulness is a shield and defense.5 You will not fear the terror of the night     or the arrow that flies by day6 or the pestilence that stalks in darkness     or the destruction that wastes at noonday. Because you have made the Lord your refuge, the Most High your dwelling place,10 no evil shall befall you, no scourge come near your tent.11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.12 On their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.15 When they call to me, I will answer them; I will be with them in trouble; I will rescue them and honor them.16 With long life I will satisfy them and show them my salvation. 

Video: “Rain”                                                                                             

Prayers of Intercession for Hope and Healing                                               

Pastor: Together we lift our prayers to you, O God of love and healing. 

P- God the Father, you breathe life into your whole Creation. Response: Help us breathe deeply of your peace and presence. 

God the Son, you give us yourself to make our joy complete. R:  Help us give our fear, pain, and grief to you. 

God the Holy Spirit, you move through our lives in unexpected ways. R:  Help us move in concert with your life-giving motion. 

Holy Trinity, One God, accept our thanks and praise for all the blessings of this life, especially for those blessings that our present circumstances make difficult to see. R:  Lord, hear our prayer. 

Shed the light of your healing love on all who are sick in body, mind, or spirit, that they may find new wholeness illumined by your grace. R:  O Lord, hear our prayer. 

Knit together in your love all whose relationships have frayed, that they may find reconciliation and new beginnings. R:  O Lord, hear our prayer. 

Bless all who work to improve the health of others, that they may bring hope, care, wisdom, and skill to all they serve. R:  O Lord, hear our prayer. 

Grant all who turn to you the courage to participate with you in restoring this broken world to wholeness, that everyone and everything may share in the hope of your kingdom. R:  O Lord, hear our prayer. 

Good and gracious God, you promise to hear our prayers.  We humbly ask you again - hear our prayers of thanksgiving and intercession that we now name before you silently.         (Silence is kept.) 

For these and for all other petitions that are too deep for words, we pray to you: R:  O Lord, hear our prayer. 

You are the Lord whose promises never cease. R:  You are the Lord whose presence never fails. 

ALL:  Gracious God, You are close to us no matter how far we feel from you: draw us into the very heart of your grace and help us to live into the truth that nothing in all creation can separate us from your love in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Words of Institution/Lord’s Prayer; (unison) 

Our Father, who art in heaven, 

hallowed be thy name, 

thy kingdom come, 

thy will be done, 

on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread; 

and forgive us our trespasses, 

as we forgive those 

who trespass against us; 

and lead us not into temptation, 

but deliver us from evil. 

For thine is the kingdom, 

and the power, and the glory, 

forever and ever. Amen. 


Distribution/ Offering                                                 

Holy Communion will be served on the floor, from two stations. Ushers will direct you forward.  You may present your offering at this time, in the baskets provided at the front of the sanctuary aisle.   

Communion Hymns:                                            

Vocal leader- Vickie Kub                                                                                                

Amazing Grace   #448                                                                                                  

Beautiful Savior #838 vs.1 and 4 

Post-Communion Blessings                                                          


Sending Song/Table Prayer: 

Be present at our Table Lord.                                                                                            

Be here and everywhere adored.                                                                                               

These mercies bless, and grant that we,                                                                                 

May feast in paradise with Thee.                                                                                          


P: Go In Peace, Serve the Lord     

R: Thanks be to God! 


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