
Rooted in Christ • Growing in Grace • Seeding the Future
The Foundation was created in 2022 using proceeds from the sale of the Norman Lutheran Church parsonage. Those funds were invested and will continue to grow and allow us to spread the word of God into our community through a grant giving process.
The mission of the Norman Lutheran Church Foundation is to further and foster the kingdom of Jesus Christ in the Norman Lutheran Church and its surrounding communities. To that end, the Foundation will be awarding annual grants to qualified applicants to fufill its mission.
Groups and individuals will be able to apply for a grant to use for religious, community, literary, or educational purposes through an online application process. Grants will be awarded from invested principle and earnings originating from the sale of the Norman Lutheran Church parsonage.
The Norman Lutheran Church Foundation will award annual grants to the church, its members, and the community. Some anticipated examples include:
camp sponsorships
youth conference sponsorships
sponsoring community church and youth activities
mission trips
support for the Kindred Area Ministerial Association (KAMA)
church and community support
service projects
and more!
The Norman Lutheran Church Foundation was created in 2022 from the proceeds of the sale of the Norman Lutheran Church parsonage.
In 1976, the congregation had a vision to build a parsonage to provide a safe, comfortable place for a pastor to live and work. The parsonage served as a home, parish office, and meeting place, including for confirmation, church council meetings, marriage counseling, choir practice, and more.
Continuing the legacy of the congregation's investment in the church, the money from the sale of the parsonage has been invested to grow and help spread the mission of Jesus through our church and community by utilizing these annual grants in creative ways.
The Norman Lutheran Church Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization and your donation will be tax deductible. Your generous gift to the Foundation helps spread and fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ by making grant dollars available for use by organizations and individuals right here in our church and in the Kindred community.
There are many ways you can give to support the Foundation and grow your donation for the future:
give in memory of a loved one
special gifts during the holidays
end of the year giving
give in honor of someone for confirmation or baptism
leave a legacy through estate planning
Contact any of our Board of Trustees for more information on how to give to the foundation: Jim Hoy (701.261.0438), Jolene Sauvageau, Jen Swenson, Carolyn Thoen, Mike Thompson, Dale Torgerson.
Or fill out the form below and mail it with your donation to:
Norman Lutheran Church Foundation
16803 52nd St SE
Kindred, ND 58051
Fill out the online form below to apply for a grant from the Norman Lutheran Church Foundation. Grant requests must align with our mission "to further and foster the kingdom of Jesus Christ in the Norman Lutheran Church and surrounding communities."
Average grants award: $1000, average mini-grant award: up to $1000
Applications are reviewed at least quarterly: March, June, September, December
Contact Jimmy Hoy at 701.261.0438 or Jen Swenson at 701.371.5537 with any questions or for more information.
since 2022 | 16 Grants | $17,265
2024 Grants Awarded - $7,740
$150 Light House Meal served by the youth group
$1,000 Hesse Youth Group (Vallyfair)
$870 Castaway retreat
$1,250 Red Willow Bible Camp
$1,000 ELCA New Orleans- Kindred Lutheran
$1,000 Viking Village Food Bags
$870 Wyatt Simley Fundraiser (Venue Rental)
$1,600 Senior Community Meals
2023 Grants Awarded - $8,025
$2,500 Norman Youth Group Ski Trip
$500 Crossroad Lutheran Campus Ministry
$500 Kindred Backback Program
$1,000 Kindred Community Youth Group (Hesse group)
$2,925 Red Willow Bible Camp
$300 Erin Westby Bible Study
$300 Erin Westby Bible Study
2022 Grants Awarded - $1,500
$1500 Castaway Club Bible Camp scholarships