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Looking to join?

All are welcome at both Davenport and Norman churches!  Please reach out if you are interested in how to join our parish or if you'd like to sign up your child for Wednesday Kids Club, Sunday school or VBS.

Opportunities to serve

Each of our churches offer plenty of opportunities to serve during the worship service, as a youth leader or in other areas.  Please let us know if you are interested in helping out!

Planning a wedding?

Fill out the contact form below to let us know if you are planning a wedding and would like to be married in one of our churches or in the Norman outdoor park area.

Prayer Request

"Pray without ceasing" 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Please note in the contact form if you have a prayer request or if you'd like to be added to the prayer chain.

Schedule a baptism

Our parish will celebrate with you in baptism! Contact us to schedule a baptism during Sunday worship service or schedule a private service for your family.  

The Norman Quilters like to provide a special quilt they've made  to  commemorate  the occasion.

Planning a funeral?

We are sorry for your loss.  Please reach out in our contact form or to our pastor so we can walk with you during this time and help plan a funeral at either church.

We'd love to hear from you!

I'm a member or looking for information about:

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Pastor Katie Kringstad


Davenport Lutheran

PO Box 212 Davenport, ND 58021

270 1st St, Davenport, ND 58021

Norman Lutheran 

PO Box 96 Kindred, ND 58051

16803 52nd St S, Kindred, ND 58051

Parish Newsletter - Joan Pratt

items due by the 20th of the month

Parish Secretary - Joan Pratt

parish email, bulletins, announcements

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