Norman Davenport Parish
Welcome to the Norman Davenport Lutheran Parish, two ELCA Lutheran churches working together to serve the Kindred and Davenport North Dakota communities through a partnership created in 1966. The original parish included five congregations including First Lutheran Church of Fargo. A later realignment in 1899, officially known as the Norman Parish, included Christiania, St. John's and Norman. This arrangement prevailed for 67 years until St. John's realigned with Horace and Norman welcomed Davenport instead.

Pastor Katie Kringstad
Hello! My name is Katie Kringstad and I am the pastor at Norman Davenport Lutheran Parish. I graduated from Luther Seminary in St. Paul June of 2021. I started at Norman Davenport as their intern pastor in June of 2020 and was then called as their full time pastor in June of 2021.
I grew up in Fargo, ND attending First Lutheran Church. I graduated from Oak Grove High School class of 2002. I have a bachelor’s degree in nursing and have served in many different areas of nursing including child psychiatry, family medicine, information technology and parish nursing. I started working at First Lutheran Church Fargo in 2015 as their Parish Nurse. I then became their Director of Children’s Ministry in 2017 until I began my seminary journey. I served my first year of pastoral internship at First Lutheran Church.
I came to Norman Davenport Lutheran Parish in order to gain some rural experience in ministry and fell in love. The people and community of Norman Davenport Lutheran Parish are some of the best people you will ever meet. They are truly a church family and love and care for one another.
Our family has been so blessed by being a part of this wonderful parish. We love being a part of the community, going to events, and cheering on the Vikings! I am so excited for what the future holds here at ND Parish. Our family started out living in town in Kindred but after a couple years found our dream farmhouse on 9 acres just outside of Kindred which has been a dream come true. My husband Chris and I have three daughters Sydney, Christina, and Claire and we were blessed to adopt Mahliyah and Scarlett in June of 2024 making our family complete.
I enjoy spending time with family and friends, going to the lake, refurbishing furniture, and any other craft project I can find time for.
I feel blessed to be your pastor and have opportunity to serve Norman Davenport Lutheran Parish!
Thank you and God bless,
Pastor Katie Kringstad